Friday, November 14, 2008

I went to visit another volunteer at his site last weekend and it was a great break from Namaacha. I went to Gaza province, about 4 hours NE of where I am now. I got to experience a real chapa ride. On the way there, we had 24 people in a van! It was crazy. We went to the beach in Xai Xai 2 days during the visit. It was aaamazing. There was hardley anyone there and the water was so beautiful. I´ll find out where my final site is in a couple weeks, but I have my fingers crossed for somewhere close to a beach. I´m not really into the ´roughing it´. During site visit, we made really good food. It made me hopeful that I won´t be eating rice with a mixture of meat and coconut and peanuts on top which is what I eat most days during training. Its my host sister´s birthday tomorrow. She´s turning 5 and we´re having a big party! Ahaha! it worked. My first picture. There´s me in Africa.


Brenna Joy said...

There were these girls in training that were all disappointed that we had running water, in-door plumbing, and cable tv. I thought they were nuts, I am also not so much into the roughing it if I don't have to.....I love your pic. Africa looks a little like Arizona.

Laura said...

Hey! Have you figured out your permanent address there? I'm trying to figure out christmas presents so tell me if you want anything in particular or if you want to be surprised?? --Laura (