Last weekend, hoards of people descended upon the beautiful town of Quissico to enjoy a timbila music festival. Timbila is an instrument that is a lot like a xylophone. They have them in all different sizes and it is accompanied with rhythmic colorful dancing. I would fail a creative writing course. How about you just look at the pictures. Anyways, it was an awesome weekend, but it would have been even more enjoyable had I not tried to sleep in dry contacts, thus scratching my cornea, forgotten my glasses at home and been blind all weekend.
It is almost the end of the school year already!! It’s flying by, but it can’t come fast enough. My Portuguese is getting better, but the students are getting more and more crazy. I have come to the conclusion that the only way to be an effective teacher here is by being a bitch. If you try to be nice and smile or joke around, they just completely take advantage and everyone starts talking and once 70 kids start talking, you’ve lost and they’ve won. So lately, my classroom has not been very much fun. I can’t believe some of the things that come out of my mouth (“Are you here to play or are you here to learn?” “I am not your mother, I do not care if someone stole your cassava”…etc), but, they are paying a little bit more attention and I am not going insane. I am nice to the students when they talk to me outside of class!
Becky had a friend that was going to come visit, so we planned a Swaziland trip. She was unable to make it, but now we’re all excited about Swazi, so we’re going to go anyway. It will be a quick little trip, but we’re staying in a wildlife sanctuary, so I’m going to see some real animals! And we are going shopping at the Shoprite!! Never would I have thought I could be so excited about shopping in a place that resembles a Walmart, but I am so pumped!